Профессиональные решения

экструдер для компаундирования с параллельным вращением


Биоразлагаемый пластик (PLA, PBAT, PVA, крахмал)

Экструзионное оборудование Kerke

Biodegradable plastic is plastic that’s designed to break up when exposed to the presence of microorganisms, it is usually made from natural byproducts and follows rigorously controlled conditions of temperature and humidity in industrial environments.

Some biodegradable plastics available in the market are:

  • Starch-based plastics.
  • Bacteria-based plastics.
  • Soy-based plastics.
  • Cellulose-based plastics.
  • Lignin-based plastics and.
  • Natural fibers reinforcement plastic.

Biodegradable Plastic Masterbatch Production

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