Профессиональные решения

экструдер для компаундирования с параллельным вращением


Добавки Мастербатч Компаунд

Экструзионное оборудование Kerke

Additive Masterbatches consist of a concentrated mixture of pigments and/or encapsulated additives manufactured through a process of heating a carrier resin and then cooled and cut into a granular form. Our compounding extruder can make excellent additive masterbatches.

Main Additives Masterbatch

Antimicrobial Masterbatch
UV Stabilizer Masterbatch
Anti-block Masterbatch
Process Aids Masterbatch
Anti-Slip Masterbatch
Antioxidant Masterbatch
Impact modifier Masterbatch
Flame Retardant Masterbatch
Optical brightener Masterbatch
Pre-colored resin & Compounds Masterbatch
Purging compound Masterbatch
Desiccant Masterbatch
Oxo-biodegradable Masterbatch
Blowing Agent Masterbatch
Cling agent Masterbatch
Antistatic Masterbatch
Anti-fog Masterbatch
Clarifier Masterbatch
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