الحلول المهنية

التركيز على آلة البثق المركبة ذات الدوران المتوازي

جهاز العجن بالبثق المستمر في اتجاه مجرى النهر

معدات بثق الكركي

  1. Kneader
  2. Conveyer
  3. Conicaltwin screw
  4. Single or twin-screw extruder
  5. Air-cooling hot-face pelletizer
  6. Conveying blower
  7. Cyclone separator
  8. Air cooling Vibrating sieve


The advantages of internal mixer and extruder are reasonably combined, the process operation is flexible, the process is simple and practical, suitable for the transformation of old equipment and materials and processes that are difficult to fully continuous. It is suitable for high-filling operations of heat or shear-sensitive materials such as internal and external shielding materials, halogen-free flame-retardant cable materials, and carbon black masterbatch.

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