الحلول المهنية

التركيز على آلة البثق المركبة ذات الدوران المتوازي

خط إنتاج مترادف لإنتاج مركبات الكابلات المصنوعة من البولي إيثيلين المتشابكة

معدات بثق الكركي

  1. PE resins
  2. Drying hopper
  3. Molecular-sieve dryer
  4. Materialstank
  5. Loss-in-weight pump
  6. Loss-in-weight feeder
  7. Twin screw extruder
  8. Single screw extruder
  9. Water-ring pelletizer
  10. Centrifugal Dewaterer
  11. Fluidizing bed
  12. Vacuum material Loader
  13. Molecular-sieve dryer
  14. Drying hopper
  15. Product silo
  16. Vacuum bagging


This is another application of KTE/SE Tandem Line. Together with special low pressure and short channel die as wel as ec-centric die-face cutting technology, the tandem line is capable of effectively mixing/compounding PE resins, antioxidantsand peroxides etc. At a low temperature , to minimize premature crosslinking of polytheylene.

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