الحلول المهنية

التركيز على آلة البثق المركبة ذات الدوران المتوازي

نظام التركيب الآلي بالكامل

معدات بثق الكركي

Flow diagram for production of specially functional compounds using fully-automatic compounding system.

  1. Material stock
  2. Dedusting bag
  3. Container
  4. Auger screw feeder
  5. Interrmittent
  6. خلاط عالي السرعة
  7. Mixing bin
  8. Loss-in-weight feeder
  9. KTE double screw extruder
  10. Hot-face cutter with air cooling
  1. إعصار
  2. Vibrating sieve for cooling
  3. Water-ring pelletizer
  4. Centrifugal Dewaterer
  5. غربال اهتزازي
  6. Dryblending/Homogenizing bin
  7. Automatic metering bagging
  8. Locking valves
  9. Air opened reversing valve


The fuly-automatic compounding system includes material handiling, pneumatic conveying, preblending, multiple feeding, twin screw compounding dewatering /drying or cooling, product conveying, homogenization, weighing, and bagging.

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