الحلول المهنية

التركيز على آلة البثق المركبة ذات الدوران المتوازي


مركب ماسترباتش النسيج

معدات بثق الكركي

We provide a specially designed twin screw extruder for processing a variety of polymer solutions to meet the needs of the PP& PET fibers. We gladly satisfy our customers by offering solutions for technical issues and providing them with standard and tailor-made colors. Our experience gained over the years enables us to perform well in any application such as fibers, mono & multi filaments & PP non-wovens.

Textile Masterbatch Applications:

  • Non-Woven Fabric.
  • PET Staple Fibers.
  • PET POY.
  • PET Mono Filament.
  • PP Fiber & Filaments.
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